Thursday, October 13, 2011

Health and Medical Information for Poland
Health and Medical Information for Poland
Travel tips for your trip to Poland Hotel Maps Famous Places in Poland helps you to make your trip to Poland in the holiday a Splendid One

Foreign travellers are advised to obtain travel insurance. 24-hour chemists can be found in each major city and hotels often have a nurse or doctor on call. In emergencies call 999 for ambulance.

EHIC European health insurance card is now valid in Croatia.
Food and drink:

Mains water is normally chlorinated, and whilst relatively safe may cause mild abdominal upsets. Make use of the public wells for better tasting water or bottled water is available. Milk is pasteurised and dairy products are safe for consumption. Local meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetables are generally considered safe to eat.
Other risks:

Vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis, tuberculosis and hepatitis B are sometimes recommended.